Monday, 30 January 2012

Rest in Conneticut

I woke up for the first time without an alarm at dawn (which is around 7am) after having the best sleep this whole trip! I then got dressed and headed down for morning prayer and Mass which was a lovely way to start the day. The chapel has beautiful stained glass windows that I didn't see lastnight. They only have about 3 colours in it but the effect is very striking.

After mass I headed into the hall way waiting for the breakfast bell and was wondering about the opprotunity to do some laundry. All of a sudden appeared Sister Mary-Karen who said "you look like you want to do laundry." I was a bit stunned and I said "That is just scary! How did you know that?" "Well good! I am designating you 'Head Laundress!' Follow me and I'll show you where it all is." So I was given a tour of the laundry and then eagerly headed for brekkie, which was good, bagels, eggs, all kinds of spreads except vegemite...

The schedule for the day was relaxing. After brekkie and clean up, we headed for the Gibeny room for our first session which was a broad overview of the history of the Pro-life movement in the US which was quite interesting. Unlike Australia, the abortion issue in the US became a huge problem not just because of the immorality of the issue, but almost equally because of the way that it was done. One Supreme Court (High Court is Australian equivalent) ruled that abortion was legal in a court decision that basically over-rode all of the State legislation that were put in place by elected representatives. Before 1973, abortion was only permitted in extreme cases of rape, incest and if the health of the mother was strictly at risk in almost every state. If it's one thing that irks Americans more, it is the Federal Government muscling in on more local State matters. The anti-abortion movement initally, therefore, had a very political emphasis in strategy and was primarily focused on the babies, and the human rights of the babies. Change began to occur towards the end of the 80s when it became apparent that the 'right' to abortion was now entrenced and mainstream. It was also apparent that abortion was terribly wounding for women and decided in situations where there was a real perception of little other options. The anti-abortion movement began to answer its critics that it was anti-women and became much more women focused. Around this time, then Bishop John O'Connor visited Dachau Concentration camp and experienced a mystical call to protect and defend the dignity of all human life and that the battle against this demon could only be won through prayer and fasting. He began the Sisters of Life as a response to this call. The current trend in the pro-life movement is a combination of all these approaches, the rights of the babies, the care and support of mothers and prayer.

We then got to meet and chat with all the postulants who are amazing! There were also two Kiwi postulants and so we all helped teach the Americans cricket because they brought a set. It was a lot of fun, especially watching them try to bowl! I went for a walk exploring the grounds. I saw a couple of squirrels and I found deer tracks as well. I hoped I could see some!

After lunch we had a long talk by Sister Bethany about the Charism of the Sisters of Life. They are truly amazing women. They are a contemplative/active order, meaning they spend half their time in prayer and the other half working with women in crisis pregnancies, running post-abortion healing retreats for men and women and all sorts of other things involving life issues. These women were so in love with Jesus and they just poured it out everywhere and to everyone.

Evening was falling and it was time for rosary, evening prayer and adoration. I bundled up and went for a walk around the grounds instead. I needed to move. I was struggling with myself a bit. I just asked for a sign. Something that would show me he was listening. I was walking and praying and something made me look up. About 100 meters away was a big stag looking straight at me. He had two does by his side. He had caught my scent and stayed another 30 seconds before he turned tail and led his does back into the woods. That was all I needed. I sat under a tree listening to to the soft hoof beats of the deer as they cautiously came backe. I felt some sense of peace that at least I was looking in the right direction and God was there with me. I headed back inside for the rest of Adoration and vespers. I don't think I mentioned that the Sisters sounded like angels! Afterwards was a hearty dinner and fake fireside chats (the fire was fake, that is, not the conversation!) I had a lot on my mind to think about, but I was still very tired, and I was looking foreward to the 5:30 am start tomorrow!

Dear Lord,
Love me and keep me close to your heart where I am safe.


Again. The trip to the airport began ridiculously early. We get to the airport and go to check in. Turns out that little immigration slip of paper was kinda important. I can't leave the country without it. Armando was my Guardian Angel! We thankfully had plenty of padding time-wise. So the process was I had to go to the police and obtain a paper then go to immigration and reprocess my entry/exit card. So Armando and I ran downstairs and to the Federali office in the carpark. Then it was forms. Filled out one and then they copied my passport and issued me a certificate stating that I was an idiot and lost my forms not someone illegally staying in Mexico. We then went back inside to wait for immigration to open for the day 1/2 an hour later. After that it was yet another form two forms and a new immigration slip was issued. I'm on file with the Mexican Governement. Everyone checked in my stuff and Sam waited for me before security check in. We said our goodbyes to Armando and I gave him a big hug and thanked him a million times. I always had faith that it would be ok, but before we figured out what to do, I wont lie, I was a little worried I'd be stuck in Mexico which is not as much fun when your in limbo!

So we got on the plane and a bunch of us had entire rows to ourselves at the back of the plane! And I didn't feel like sleeping! I was reading my book and I overheard Maz chatting up the steward. The conversation went something like this: "So you like work on the plane, are you going to fly it?" the steward's face was a "no" with a smile that betrayed his laughter. Sam turned around and looked at Maz and just said, "how is he supposed to fly the plane back here?" Maz started laughing and said "oh yeah!" I was just laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my seat.

 Fun Fact #7: Maz is a beautiful, rambunctious, and lovely blonde who makes my day almost everyday!

So the flight was enjoyable, relaxing even! We land at Newark at around 4:30ish. Immigration took forever. A few of us got weird looks for saying we were on pilgrimage. We then got on a bus up to Villa Maria Guadalupe house in Stamford Connecticut. It is this gorgeous colonial house with servant quarters and everything! We got an amazing home-cooked dinner and got to catch up with some of the sisters that came to Australia. Those Sisters are brilliant at remembering faces and names! I felt at home... But don't go getting too excited! I'm still coming home! Before dinner we were treated to vespers and Mass with the sister and it was beautiful, so beautiful and I was so exhausted I began to get a little teary! Then we had a delicious home-cooked dinner. After dinner we were treated to an introduction to the Sisters of Life and their work and charism. Sam also shared the short version of his story which was amazing as usual. Seeing the look on people's faces was pretty priceless! The Sisters had their mouths open the whole time!  I was really tired from being awakened at 4:30 so I crashed into bed around 10pm, the Sisters graciously excused us from night prayer.

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Charity and Hope

Today didn't start all that well! Instead of setting my alarm for 7 am, I turned off and got a wake up call at 8:20 when we were supposed to have left at 8! Jodie didnt set an alarm herself so we were both unpleasanly surprised! I have never got dressed so fast in my life. I was on the bus by 8:25! It was 2 hours in mexican traffic to Santa Fe where the daughter of charity's house is. I honestly didn't know what to expect. We were greeted by the only sister in the house, the others were with the postulants taking classes and formation. They only way I can adequately describe this sister is she looked like a harassed mother. But the happiest harrassed mother I have ever seen! I don't think she would have traded her job for anything. She gave us a five minute introduction to the work they do and gave us a quick tour.

It was straight into the deep end  the sisters introduced us to Fatima and another little boy. Fatima was four but had a terrible case of Hydrocephaelus that left her bedridden and severly intellectually disabled. The other boy whos name I could not remember was nine and had a rare condition that cased an intolerance to food and had to be fed directly to his stomach. He wasnt much bigger than Fatima and couldnt speak. The sisters have about 19 babies in the nursery upto the age of 9. Most of them were intellectually and physically disabled with what I think is cerebral palsy, but we didn't get their full story. There are another 7 (or so) young adults who are all severely disabled. They cannot talk or feed themselves. My favorite was Lolita, she was one of the worst physically but the most capable mentally, she understood my broken Spanish better than anyone! There were also about 25 adults and elderly living there as well, all disabled in some way, mentally and physically. After our whirlwind tour the sister split us up and sent us to the different sections.

I went with, Sam, Jo, Soren and Caroline to come and talk with the adults and elderly. Sam and I were tying to chat with them and I felt a warm hand grab mine, I looked down and a tiny little lady with smiling eyes looke at me and told me her name was Lucia, she became my new best friend! Next thing we know, we're taking them down to the refectory and I got handed a bowl by a volunteer and pointed me to a lady whos name I didn't know. She was very disabled, she could barely move her limbs and she couldnt really communicate. She was like a very small child. I fed her and I felt a very profound sense of the beauty of life. Most would look at her with pity and would say her life is worthless suffering. They are right, it is suffering, but not worthless. I know what Jesus said when he said we feed him when he was hungry. I teared up but I couldn't waste time. There was work to be done! We spent the rest of the day playing with the kids and talking with the adults. We had mass when the postulants and sisters came back at 3 and they sang us thankyou songs and we had a good chat with them. It was then the long trip in Mexican traffic back to the hotel. Some went out shopping but I just wanted some alone time which I certainly needed after that day!

Prayer of the Day:
Jesus, bless each and everyone of the children and women in the care of the Missionaries of Charity. Grant their life be one of peace and good health. Look after your brides who care for you children. Guide them on the path that brings them closer to you and give them the energy, love and light they need to serve those who most desperately need it. 
Bl. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us and your daughters.

The Mexican Adventure Continues...

So and adventure: We left at 8:30am to head to the ruins of tehoticuachan. We stopped on the way to be given a tour of a cooperative that makes traditional craft out of semi-precious stones, agave fibers and tequila, Mezecal and pulque. The tequila was the best I have ever had. Best stratergy for selling stuff, get the customers drunk!

 Fun Fact #4: The agave plant is an all in one plant! It takes 7 years to mature but once mature, the heart can be cut and paper can be pulled off the leaves in sheets, the tip can be cut off and pulled with fibers to make a needle and thread, the leaves are dried to make into cloth, and the sap from the blue agave makes the finest tequila.

We then headed over to the Ruins of Teoticuachan which is a city that pre-dates the Aztecs who discovered the ruins and believed that this was the city where huge gods created the world, hence City of the Gods, Teotichuan. The landscape is dominated by the two step pyramids, the temples of the moon and Sun. We got to climb both of them and the view was incredible. The steps where so steep that it was more comfortable to crawl. As much fun as it was, racing up the stairs, I couldn't forget the people that crawled to their deaths on these pyramids. Human sacrifice took place here. Children's remains were found near the temple dedicated to Tlaoc, the rain god. After the ruins we headed out to Guadalupe. I slept even through the 15 min maccas stop. I couldn't do it three days in a row. The shrine complex is huge, encompassing the Teppayac hill where the apparitions occurred and includes 8 churches. The oldest dating from the mid 16th century to the newest being th 1972 where the tilma is now kept. A legion of Mary priest joined us for a bit of a tour. I skipped that went to confession and had some time with my own thoughts. I started my first novena ever at the shrine! I will keep that going for the next nine days. The image is incredible. Intact I will devote a whole post to the symbolism in the image explained to us by Armando and Fr Ryan.

One of the things that struck me the most was the culture around Guadalupe. It was alive bustling with families! Parents brining their babies to present to our lady and light candles for them. little wizened grandmas teaching their grandchildren the story in the murals and places in the shrine. It's also an active parish and there is mass every hour. If there ever was a patron of life, it is her. Mexicans from all walks of life gathered in the shrine to celebrate family milestones and kids ran around laughing and playing in between the rituals and times of prayer. It was such a start contrast to the masses and rituals we have at home. They seem austere and burdensome. No wonder people leave the church in droves! This is not so here. Faith is clearly alive and working under the wings of our lady. 

Prayer of the Day:
Holy Mother, your love knows no bounds! I thank you for the gift of the your image which in my weakness and folly draws me closer to you and to your son. Holy mother, walk with me and intercede with your son on my behalf as l continue my faith journey and my life long pilgrimage. 
Our lady of Guadalupe, mother of life and passion, pray for us.

Monday, 16 January 2012

Landing in Mexico!

Our bad luck with buses continues today. After being awake at 4:30 am for a 6 am start, I got dressed and went to maccas for brekky. The only basic difference between American maccas and Aussie maccas is the calories, everything is about double the calories and I swear you could wring out the grease from it! Never again...

Our bus didn't come on time, but once we were on it was a straight shot to the airport with the LA sunrise. We got through security surprisingly quickly and settled into wait for our flight at 8:30 am. Sam shared a bit of his story and I accidently let slip the 'T' word. We were all in the same area of the plane and I was pretty sure I wasn't going to sleep, but I ended up sleeping on and off the entire flight! I was amazed. One of the girls got motion sickness on the landing (which was a shocker) and had to get a jab for it. So we were late for mass at the Cathedral again! We got to our hotel which is amazing and right in the centre of the City! I thought we would be roughing it a least a bit! We had mass in the Chapel of the Holy Angels, a little alcove in the Cathedral which is just covered with gold.

Fun Fact #3: Mexico City is built directly over the Aztec capital Tenochtitlan in the middle of lake Texcoco. The cathedral was built from the ashes of the major temple in the city and it is currently sinking.

We became good friends with the masters of ceremonies Fr Francesco and he showed us where to buy the best (and best value) jewelry. I went a bit nuts! At this point is 7 in th evening and we were all starving. Most of us missed lunch, I slept through the plane lunch which you had to buy anyway. We had dinner at 8 and it was really really good! Even though I would have eaten just about anything at that point. I am exhausted now and I will sleep like a baby tonight!

Prayer of the Day:
Lord, I pray for hope. So many live without this life-giving virtue, so many fall into despair because of the poverty, violence and injustice in our world. Lord, you know all things, give us the strength to be moved not to despair but to action in love of our neighbour.
Blessed Virgin, who bore hope incarnate, pray for us.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Friday 13... TWICE.

So today was Friday the 13th. What could possibly go wrong? That's just a silly superstition anyway. 

Fun Fact # 1: The Superstition around the number 13 dates back to the Legal Codes of Hamumbri (I think I spelt that right) around 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia. There must be something to this superstition if it has been around this long.

 So to today's events. T'was an early start. I was at the airport and checked in at 6:15 am. I chatted with the new people I was meeting. There is a grand total of 18 of us and after going through security our first stop at Lauren's insistence (not to mention my stomach) at maccas. We boarded our flight to LA at 9 am and we were away! I watched Pussin Boots (not Dreamworks best) and Jane Eyre (also not the greatest) and a bunch of random documentaries. The last hour I got right into the Conspirator (a film about the trial of a supposed conspirator in Abraham Lincolin's Assasination, Mary Sarrat) and much to my dismay, the crucial dialogue was continuously interrupted by landing announcements. We arrived at Seoul around 5pm with 2 hours to kill. I went walking. I had a serious case of hyperactivity given I had slept an hour on the last flight. That is when Friday the 13th started to catch up with us. Our plane was delayed so instead of arriving at 1:30pm, we arrived at 3pm with mass in the Mary of the Angels Cathedral at 3:30. The cathedral was 40 min away and we hadn't got through customs yet! So at 4 pm we all got through but one of the poor girls got pulled up and interrorgated because the idiot at the customs desk stamped her documentation with the wrong date! At this point we were dead exhausted. None of us had a good flight. It was packed and economy sucks. I barely slept a wink and most others didn't either. And we were hungry. At least I was! We then had more delays due to a miscommunication error between the bus company and the travel agent. Another hour later and thanks to the good humored Arnold the bus driver. We set out for the cathedral to this an amazing LA sunset. 

Fun Fact #2: the original Name of LA is 'Pueblo de Nuestra Senora de La Renia de Los Angeles del Rio di Porciuncola' which is named for the church built around the origial chapel where St Francis of Assisi started the Franciscan Order.

We arrived at the cathedral. The original church dated back to the 1800s but it was destroyed beyond repair in a 91 earthquake and rebuilt on its current site in downtown LA. Now it is a very modern Cathedral, and modern cathedrals can go horribly wrong. Not this one. It's huge! The windows are white alablaster abd the buidling's color evokes the desert and mountains that surround LA. There is beautiful timber and polished marble. The most amazing was the tapestries on the wall. They all were hand made and the depict he communion of saints, all the church calendar and the American saints too. There are also 12 unnamed people ther amongst them representing the unrecognized saints and the future saints. We had Mass in the crypt and it was lovely. A good way to begin the pilgrimage despite the dramas. It turns out we have Peter Comensoli to thank for the trouble. Jackie Francois did the music for us. We then finally arrived at the Hoilday Inn back at the airport and I finally got some dinner! A beautiful salmon and salad. I love America because you don't get charged for sides! Funny. I forgot all about how hungry I was whilst in the cathedral. We have a 6 am flight to Mexico City tomorrow. The best thing is it will no longer be Friday the 13th!

Today's prayer intention:
For all the men, women and children who have suffered at the hands of the culture of death. Lord, show them your Love and infinite mercy. Lead them to healing and show them that you can forgive, even if they themselves can't.
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of life, pray for us.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

A little bit about what I am doing..

So, I have packed 98% of my luggage and I am exhausted. I have a 5:30 am start and a long flight. So I am going to practice the discipline I will need to record my trip. The group I am going with is called Harvest Inroads. I heard about them by the managing director Sam Clear who spent an evening with our WYD pilgrimage group enroute to Mardid. I had a chat with Sam after a catechesis session and I kept an eye on the site. I found out about their first pilgrimage via an email and it sat in my inbox for a whole month. I was drawn to it. Perhaps I caught the pilgrim bug so soon after WYD or it was something calling me. Every step I have take. Since then has been a confirmation of that calling since. I don't know what it is but it seems I am never more alive in my faith than when I am out of my comfort zone and away from daily life. That is why I am so looking forward to it. That is enough tonight. I go now to bed. My itinery:
To all who have nothing better to do. (i.e. my friends and family)

I have created a blog space for this pilgrimage that I am making to Mexico and the USA so that I can do the cool 21st century compulsion to keep-everyone-in-contact-as-much-as-possible for the whole two weeks that I will be away. I'm going to try and post every night what I did that day, no promises that will happen but you never know.

So This is the day before. I'm working on cleaning my room and packing. I'm looking forward to it and I'm off at 6am.

Follow on Twitter or Facebook too.

Love ya'll and leaving!