Hello all unfortunate souls who has stumbled upon this corner of the internet!
Welcome to my Domain!
As you can see this blog is called 'Rebel Catholic'. Now what does 'Catholic' Bring to mind?
Something like this....
Or maybe this...
Now what does 'rebel' call to mind? Perhaps something like this...
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These dudes are the Sex Pistols by the way... google it! |
So put them both together and 'Rebel Catholic' may conjure images such as these lovely ladies...
Or maybe this guy, Fr Peter Kennedy, the rebel priest from Queensland

However... if the above is what you think you will find here, you need to keep looking I'm afraid.
See, the rather unfortunate thing about today's world is that rebelling against backwards, dinosauric, ancient dusty, musty, out-of-touch [insert own cliched adjective] Catholic Church is actually rather fashionable. Everybody seems to be doing it and on top of that, they go out into the world loudly proclaiming their noble rebellion seeking pats on the back from the media establishment who praise for their virtuous trumpeting against the tyranny of that of old, celibate man who wants to oppress women, shove them in the kitchen and pop out catholic babies, make sure everybody dies of HIV, ban sex, and generally make sure there is such a massive list of rules-you-have-to-follow-or-else-you-go-to-hell and therefore make your life as miserable as possible.
*yawn* I have to say, I am rather bored by it all. Bored and irked that these people who don't take the time to actually know the Church have the audacity to spout reams and reams vacuous material about its evils and apparent contradictions (and then proudly brand themselves as 'liberal' or 'rebel' Catholics) basically making my life much more annoying in normal conversations with normal people.
Well I say to you... get off your damn high horse! And go and look up the definition of 'rebel' and then do us a favour and read the damn Catechism. You are not a rebel. You are a narcissistic people-pleaser.
You want to see a real rebel?
The Sisters of Life. Check them out. They are amazing and they are life savers. |
BOOM. There you have it. Celibate women in habits. Women who choose to make themselves gifts of love to the world. Women who have the world as their oyster, but choose to say "no, I want something different." These ladies, won't go on the airwaves and interwebs touting their virtue and rebel status. They go and serve people.
These women won't be praised for their stand. At best they will get quizzical looks at worst, people wills spit on them and accuse them of various sexual deviance masquerading as righteousness. But you know what... they don't give a damn because their self-esteem doesn't rely on backscratching internet commentary. They know their worth lies in the fact that Jesus loves them and he liked he put a ring on it!
I can't even come close to the level these women are at. Firstly because I am writing a blog and touting my rebels status for the world to see. (Hey I'm still working on the virtue of humility here!) Secondly because I am a rather pathetic excuse for a Catholic. I struggle to get off my backside to go to Mass on Sunday, I suck at praying regularly, and I am known to a prideful arrogant brat. My only redeeming feature, my shameless nerdiness for all things Catholic, historical, artistic and Tolkein and insatiable appetite to learn and go deeper.
So in summary... I am Catholic. I don't do what society expects of a Gen-Y university graduate. Ergo, I am a rebel. Not perfect, but trying my darned hardest to be the person I was created to be. This blog will not find cries for women priests, the Church to approve contraception and abortion and gay 'marriage' or for the Church to stop telling people what to do (which she doesn't by the way). You will find a document of one poor broken sod trying to walk the road less traveled.
So I sign off in the words of Truman Burbank:
Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night!
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