Who am I?
My name is Kiara Pirola, I am 23 and I live in Sydney, Australia. I am a cradle Catholic but went through a phase of rebellious Atheism in my teens. At the directive of a phenomenal, agnostic teacher (whom I never thanked) I began the task of 'know thy enemy' at age 15. My 'enemy' became the love of my life and after a conversion experience later that year, I have never looked back.
I (sorta) grew up, graduated high school and obtained a university degree from the University of Notre Dame in Sydney. I studied a Politics and International Relations and Renaissance History. In my spare time, I took philosophy and theology units. I completed my Honours year in 2012. My thesis examined the influence of the Shia messianic tradition on Iranian foreign policy from 1979-1996. In normal language, I studied the influence of religion on Iranian politics and got to make up words in the process. This is one of my chief passions I loved every minute of research and writing.
Over the last year and a half, I have been wrestling with a call to a religious life. It began with a pilgrimage to Mexico City, New York and Washington DC. I spent time with two religious orders, the Missionaries of Charity in Mexico City and the Sisters of Life in New York. Spending time with these women started me on a journey that I never expected to take.
That is chiefly why this blog exists. In walking this road, I have been very interested in people's vocation stories. It's not easy to find them and so I figured I'd make a small contribution and attempt to document my discernment road. Perhaps this exercise will have no impact... but that is not the point.
In July of 2013 I will headed of to Rio de Janeiro for World Youth Day (VIVA PAPA FRANCISCO!) and from there I headed north to the fantasmical land of the United States of America. There I took 5 months off, to think, to pray and to spend some time with some time with different religious orders there.
This blog is going to be a record of my journey into the deep water of vocational discernment. It exists for my friends and family back home to keep up with what I am doing (and save me multiple emails!) and be a public record.
So go ahead and explore! Poke around and see what's doing!