Monday, 30 January 2012


Again. The trip to the airport began ridiculously early. We get to the airport and go to check in. Turns out that little immigration slip of paper was kinda important. I can't leave the country without it. Armando was my Guardian Angel! We thankfully had plenty of padding time-wise. So the process was I had to go to the police and obtain a paper then go to immigration and reprocess my entry/exit card. So Armando and I ran downstairs and to the Federali office in the carpark. Then it was forms. Filled out one and then they copied my passport and issued me a certificate stating that I was an idiot and lost my forms not someone illegally staying in Mexico. We then went back inside to wait for immigration to open for the day 1/2 an hour later. After that it was yet another form two forms and a new immigration slip was issued. I'm on file with the Mexican Governement. Everyone checked in my stuff and Sam waited for me before security check in. We said our goodbyes to Armando and I gave him a big hug and thanked him a million times. I always had faith that it would be ok, but before we figured out what to do, I wont lie, I was a little worried I'd be stuck in Mexico which is not as much fun when your in limbo!

So we got on the plane and a bunch of us had entire rows to ourselves at the back of the plane! And I didn't feel like sleeping! I was reading my book and I overheard Maz chatting up the steward. The conversation went something like this: "So you like work on the plane, are you going to fly it?" the steward's face was a "no" with a smile that betrayed his laughter. Sam turned around and looked at Maz and just said, "how is he supposed to fly the plane back here?" Maz started laughing and said "oh yeah!" I was just laughing so hard I nearly fell out of my seat.

 Fun Fact #7: Maz is a beautiful, rambunctious, and lovely blonde who makes my day almost everyday!

So the flight was enjoyable, relaxing even! We land at Newark at around 4:30ish. Immigration took forever. A few of us got weird looks for saying we were on pilgrimage. We then got on a bus up to Villa Maria Guadalupe house in Stamford Connecticut. It is this gorgeous colonial house with servant quarters and everything! We got an amazing home-cooked dinner and got to catch up with some of the sisters that came to Australia. Those Sisters are brilliant at remembering faces and names! I felt at home... But don't go getting too excited! I'm still coming home! Before dinner we were treated to vespers and Mass with the sister and it was beautiful, so beautiful and I was so exhausted I began to get a little teary! Then we had a delicious home-cooked dinner. After dinner we were treated to an introduction to the Sisters of Life and their work and charism. Sam also shared the short version of his story which was amazing as usual. Seeing the look on people's faces was pretty priceless! The Sisters had their mouths open the whole time!  I was really tired from being awakened at 4:30 so I crashed into bed around 10pm, the Sisters graciously excused us from night prayer.

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