Sunday, 14 July 2013

Day 1: Transit

So, after being awake for 24 hours, I looked something like this lovely mess...
But, we've landed in Lima safe and sound. Apart from my inability to sleep, the flight was really comfortable. We had a newly kitted plane and the food was really good. The entirety of it was edible! I watched movies! And 6 episodes of Elementary. Highly recommend Lincoln and made the rookie error of watching a really moving Dead Man Walking whilst extremely overtired. 

Anyway, by the time that photo was taken outside the airport at Lima, I have never been more glad to settle in to a good dinner and spartan, but comfy rooms. 

In our prayer time as a group, we meditated on what grace Jesus wants to
give us and the graces we think we need this trip.

I sat there. My mind was all over the shop (my daily prayer routine got a bit lost the last week. Sorry Jay!) but I had this sense that the grace that I needed and Jesus wanted to give me is trust. 

Stumbling across these words from the little flower sealed the deal:

"Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning what you want me to be and becoming that person."

So Day 1 is done. Now for some much needed sleep! Goodnight! 

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